Project Summary: The Federal Aviation Administration is an administrative agency of the federal government, created and empowered by Congress. 1. Use the creation, mission, and track record of the FAA, as an illustrative example to describe the role of federal administrative agencies, and 2. Evaluate the agency's handling of its oversight responsibilities in the design, building, and training for the use of the Boeing 737 Max8. Format: This paper should total a minimum of four (4) pages (excluding cover and Works Cited Page) and follow this format: - Typed/double spaced - Standard margins - 10 point font for body - 12 point font for headings/titles - MLA style Sources: - Minimum of one book (excluding the text for this course) - Minimum of three journal/newspaper/magazine sources - Credible sources: The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, New York Times, Washington Post, The Week, Time, etc. - Current information: 2018 and 2019.