Date: 05/07/2014
Feedback Given By: User_4826
Feedback Comment: Great job!!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $100.00
Project Summary: Overall the requirements for this paper are not too hard. I need a biography about Damien Hirst, his artwork, and how his artwork is tied to death. Sources can include art books, magazines, the Internet and scholarly journals. Make sure to cite you work correctly. The professor has access to turnitin software that checks for plagiarism. MLA or APA formats are the only formats that will be accepted. 1.25 inches margins and be double-spaced. Font size should not exceed 12pt. The paper should be at least 10 pages in length with one page for your works cited section and include one page of images that you mention or discuss on a separate page, this makes 11 pages the minimum.