Date: 23/09/2019
Feedback Given By: alethias
Feedback Comment: Great work as always Thanks.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Robert_d_308
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: Discussion Question: IQ TESTS: On this website, http://www.assessmentpsychology.com/iqclassifications.htm, you can review IQ classifications (Very Superior, Superior, High Average, Average, Low Average, Borderline, Extremely Low). On this website, http://www.assessmentpsychology.com/bellcurve.htm , you can review the types of IQ tests (Weschler IQ Test and Stanford-Binet) and how they compare on the normal curve. Describe how the IQ test measures scores and then explain the mean, standard deviation, and relationship to the normal curve for any one IQ test of your choice. Explain the relationship between the mean and standard deviation in relation to the score values that define the performance categories (Very Superior, Superior, High Average, Average, Low Average, Borderline, Extremely Low). Also explain how this relates to the Empirical Rule. Explain the possible flaws and various uses of this data. Tell what you find interesting about the usefulness of IQ scores in society.