Date: 05/08/2019
Feedback Given By: mstex2003
Feedback Comment: I received a 76 on the project. Feedback from the instructor "You addressed some of the objectives, but in very general terms. You covered admissions and discharges in good detail, but not risk management or the services and ADLS required by law. You did not identify the laws protecting lifespan management, such as the Nursing Home Reform Act or the Americans with Disabilities Act. Read all instructions carefully and address each objective. Use the weekly reading material because everything is covered there." I will not use again!!!!!!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Brilliant Answers
Total payment made for this project was: $20.00
Project Summary: Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word letter to the editor answering the question from the perspective of someone working in the lifespan management field. In your letter: Analyze the relationship between laws and census management. Consider the following: Admissions and discharge Risk management The differences at the local, state, and federal level Determine what lifespan management services are required by law. Consider the following: The differences between services and activities of daily living The roles and responsibilities of the lifespan management team as governed by local, state, and federal authorities Describe laws protecting lifespan management populations. Consider the differences of private, nonprofit, and public entities.