Project Summary: Write an essay up to 1000 words to compare and contrast the differences among three different kinds of political systems: totalitarian regimes, authoritarian governments and democratic states. Please divide your essay into six paragraphs. Remember to give a title to your essay. Your title should summarize your central argument. Say, if you are writing about the desirability of a democratic government in Cuba in contrast to an authoritarian and totalitarian regime, the title of your essay can be: Why is a Democratic Government Desirable for Post-Castro Cuba? Or, if you intend to write about the brutality of North Korean regime, the title of your essay can be: The Totalitarian Nature of the North Korean Regime. In both examples, you need to bring democratic and authoritarian regimes in your comparative analysis to highlight the problems of totalitarian and authoritarian regimes in the Cuban case and the vast different politics under democracy and in an authoritarian state in the North K