Project Summary: Paper Topic: Study Skills: Managing Time as an Adult Learner" The culminating activity for this class is to write, and submit, a research paper. You will be working on this paper all through this course building research skills and content one step at a time. To get started, please review the following list of topics and pick one you might like to use as the topic of your final paper. If there isnt anything on this list that interests you, please suggest an alternative and specify why this topic interests you enough to devote the class working on. Please keep in mind that any topic you choose must be approved by the instructor and must deal with learning in some form or fashion. Remember that the body of your paper, not including Title and Reference page, is 3-5 pages double-spaced following the properly formatted APA style; you will need to make sure that the topic you choose will have enough information for you to be able to fulfill this requirement.