Date: 17/04/2014
Feedback Given By: rkns11
Feedback Comment: Thanks
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: smartestwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $10.00
Project Summary: WK3 DISC HUMN 8327 What is Quality Research? Provide a challenge that you encountered in understanding and/or analyzing statistical concepts and methods. Then, post an insight you had about how statistics can inform practice. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points. Learning Resources Readings Course Text: Counseling Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods Chapter 4, `Methodological Issues` Chapter 15, `Basic Statistical Concepts and Descriptive Statistics` Media PowerPoint Presentation: `Sampling` http://mym.cdn.laureate-media.com/2dett4d/Walden/COUN/6326/03/mm/sampling/index.html Optional Resources: Website: MCREL. (2004). Understanding statistics tutorial. Retrieved from http://www.ecs.org/html/educationIssues/Research/primer/understandingtutorial.asp This site provides a basic statistics online tutorial.