Date: 03/04/2019
Feedback Given By: dallis.j.garrity
Feedback Comment: Was a great and well written paper.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: proffesoranncarrl
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: Film appreciation at least 2 pages on adaptation movie Needs to be done my April 3,2019 at 10:00am 1.First, explain the difference between story and plot as it relates to film. Then, explain the difference between the film’s story and it’s plot. Consider which events and elements of that story are explicitly presented in the film’s plot. 2. What narrative techniques did the filmmakers use to tell its story? Are the plot events presented in chronological order? What is the significance of the order of plot events in the film? Does the film use narration? 3. Who is the film’s protagonist? Who are the major characters? Can you characterize each of them according to their depth (round characters versus flat) and motivation? Who or what is the antagonist?