Date: 18/03/2019
Feedback Given By: briana42
Feedback Comment: I gave a deadline up front when submitting the assignment. The writer informed me that the assignment could be done in the allotted time frame which was well over 8 hours. The writer then asked for a deadline. I provided the deadline and needless to say I did not receive my assignment until 3 HOURS AFTER the deadline that was stated in the beginning. The writer for the reference page and the paper had many grammatical errors. This was my first time using this site and this was a very bad experience for the first time.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Respectwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $50.00
Project Summary: This is a midterm Q& A exam, this needs to be atleast 10 pages. I have completed 4 pages already but I need an additional 6 pages.