Project Summary: 1.2 ARTICLES ON THE USE OF SMARTS GOALS. ( What are they, how are they used, and why they can be a useful tool. ) Summarize Content of each article by writing a summary paragraph for each) need References of articles. 2. Select 3 peer reviewed articles that address your chooser area of focus for your Capstone Project. MY CHOOSING AREA OF FOCUS IS NURSING ADMINISTRATION OF RESOURCES either 1.HUMAN/ PERSONNEL; 2. TIME; 3. SUPPLIES or 4. EQUIPMENT. You can choose any 3 peer reviewed articles that address any topics on these topic. For example “ Patient-Nurse staffing method and nurse employee outcomes” or “Timely documentation of nurses note” . 3.Create 3-5 smart goals/objectives regarding the choosing Capstone Project topic. 4. Reflect on 3 key points of the assignment which will reflect of your understanding of the topic.( references required for references journal. 4. Create a separate reflective journal entries about a pediatric home health nurse .