Date: 27/02/2019
Feedback Given By: sarvenaz_ahmadifar
Feedback Comment: Amazing writer! Did sooo many of my work in just one day. 10/10 would assign him/her for my work again.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Robert_d_308
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: I have attached the document from my ART HISTORY 1 class. Answer the 9 SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS in FULL, minimally 5-7 complete sentences that address the question in its entirety. Find definitions for the KEY TERMS section. In the IMAGE IDENTIFICATIONS section, You should be able to associate each image with its corresponding period and know relative, general dates i.e the Women of Willendorf is from the Pre-historic era ca. 28,000 BCE. In addition, you should know how the work of art from that section is functioned (and also the artist if there's any.) No work cited, or specific format needed. As long as the questions, key terms, and the images date, era, function, artist (if there's one) is answered, I will be happy!