Date: 25/02/2019
Feedback Given By: furoohasan
Feedback Comment: This was a big assignment and professoranncarrl did the assignment on time and great work. Thumbs up.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: proffesoranncarrl
Total payment made for this project was: $50.00
Project Summary: A 12-15 plus page (this is a guideline) formal research paper on a topic related to the course content and approved by the instructor. Choose a topic for your paper that reflects a subject we've studied in this course that you'd like to know more about - it could be about the interaction of society and a particular disability, an aspect of disability history, about a societal issue (poverty, gender, services and supports) or an international issue relating to disability. The paper must include an analysis of the research topic using the social model of disability.