Date: 05/11/2018
Feedback Given By: User_9796
Feedback Comment: Very fast and professional ! Best experience ever !!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: mwicha257
Total payment made for this project was: $20.00
Project Summary: Topic Option 3: Many things can influence academic achievement (e.g., social support, classroom instruction, personality characteristics). Select one of these areas and identify specific concepts that are related to academic achievement. Explain how and why these can lead to these things can lead to success in the academic domain, then come up with a unique hypothesis based on the research. For example, let’s say you select personality characteristics and academic achievement as the topic of your literature review. What are some personality characteristics that might influence academic achievement? Once you’ve isolated two or three, explain how and why these can lead to academic success. Then give me an original hypothesis.