Date: 06/08/2018
Feedback Given By: Matttakla
Feedback Comment: On time, and well written!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: GreatContentCreator
Total payment made for this project was: $190.00
Project Summary: NEED THIS DONE BEFORE MIDNIGHT PLEASE!! SEMIOTICS/PHILOSOPHY 8 page paper, MLA format. Topic: One flew over a cuckoo's nest. Include intro, main point 1, main point 2, main point 3, summary. and references Discuss the movie (one flew over a cuckoos nest) in 8 pages, most importantly apply semiotics. use terms like: signifier, signified concept, the relational system, symbolic mode, iconic mode, indexical mode, intertextuality, intratextuality. Try to write in the third person whenever possible. For the most part you will be presenting facts. Although, for debate papers you will be arguing a certain point of view and it may therefore be appropriate to use “I” now and then, avoid repeated use of the first person.