Date: 05/07/2018
Feedback Given By: ka.glekiah
Feedback Comment: Very good work
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Euphrates
Total payment made for this project was: $65.00
Project Summary: Lab# 5 - Personal Illustration and Animation. This lab includes two parts, in which you will create a .gif image and a flash animation. Part 1: Personal Illustration Overview This part activity will use Adobe Animate CC to draw a picture. The picture will be used as your personal illustration to highlight an aspect of your interests or personal style. The information can be considered a form of "business card". Software: You can access the Animate CC in most of our school computers. You also can install the “Free trial” version of Animate CC on your personal computer. Follow the instructions in the following link: https://www.adobe.com/products/animate.html