Date: 14/04/2018
Feedback Given By: User_11524
Feedback Comment: Individual Feedback Abstract: 8/10 (Should be a summary of the report) Introduction: 5/20 (Should have a minimum of 8 sources - this section is missing a lot of detail / background information) Methods: 5/20 (Missing IRB; there are no details about what the participants did in the study) Results: 10/20 (nothing about reaction time tasks) Discussion: 18/20 (Very detailed) APA Format: 8/10 (Some errors in APA formatting, spacing, spelling) This report does not seem to fit the requirements of the assignment for this course. [Assessment details] Poster 10 / 25 2 / 5 40 % Individual Feedback Aethetic: 1/5 (this is not set up as a poster presentation) Introduction: 3/5 (lacks detail) Methods: 4/5 (lacks detail) Results: 0/5 (Only discussed those who dropped out - there was no discussion of results) Discussion: 2/5 (lacking detail on conclusion, future direction) 54% . too bad
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: wittywriter
Total payment made for this project was: $60.00
Project Summary: i gave this work to someone who didnt do it can i have someone who will help me it is due today . 10pm american time please its my final