Date: 15/02/2014
Feedback Given By: User_3811
Feedback Comment: I gave you a 3 because I received a 73.3%. I said you must have good English but I still found numerous errors also the paper was poorly written overall. Very disappointed:(
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Javawriter
Total payment made for this project was: $40.00
Project Summary: I have an essay that is only minimum of 500 words. Its so short but NOT easy. I need someone with English/Research skills. I have a topic on factory farms and the class is environmental ethics and history so keep this in mind when your doing the task. Beware I will not reward the money if the essay is poorly thrown together. I have had essays done for me that begin with And or Because or But. This is not correct English people and I am tired of it. There is no excuse for bad English. This project is easy if you follow the criteria and rubric which I have posted for you in the attachment.