Date: 19/11/2017
Feedback Given By: taimifonstsanchez
Feedback Comment: great work
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: AcademicExpert
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: From the perspective of a manufacturer (producing a product of your choice) operating with the goal of maximizing revenues and profits, outline strategies for succeeding at this goal under each of the four market forms: Perfect Competition, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, and Monopoly. Be sure to be clear on the reasons for differences in strategies. Include also a discussion of: A) Which market form would benefit you the producer the most and B) Which market form would benefit consumers the most. Your work is to be a Word document, in APA format, and 3-5 pages long (that means pages of content).The work submitted must be solely your own and any sources used must be clearly cited and referenced. Any content that was previously submitted by other students will result in a failing grade for the assignment (use SafeAssign to check). Do not repeat the questions with your answers.