Date: 24/09/2017
Feedback Given By: kaied-2010
Feedback Comment: He is so kind, perfect and professional.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Brilliant Answers
Total payment made for this project was: $45.00
Project Summary: The primary issue is that a thesis needs to be arguable, which means it should be possible for a reasonable person to disagree with it. There is not a reasonable argument to be made that nurses and other health professionals should not teach preventive care for heart disease. On the other hand, someone could argue that there are barriers that prevent giving effective preventive care teaching, and that there is a way to surmount these barriers. Someone else could argue that they have a better way to confront such barriers (or could argue that the real issue is a different set of barriers). That is an arguable thesis. Please try to narrow your focus and make your thesis arguable, and email it to me so I can give you more feedback as you work to develop your draft. Make sure there is an outline and draft. NO plagiarism. Thank you in advance