Date: 18/09/2017
Feedback Given By: User_5641
Feedback Comment: Always the best with amazing writing skills and has 0% plagiarism.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: ESSAYSTAR
Total payment made for this project was: $45.00
Project Summary: *THIS PROJECT CONSISTS OF TWO ASSIGNMENTS* -Letter to Friend Explaining Court Processes You receive the following letter from a former friend: Dear Friend, I find myself in quite a predicament due to my own misfortune and bad judgment. My 6-year-old son and I were recently left homeless after I was laid off from my job and my house was taken by the bank. I enrolled my son in a nearby elementary school when school started in the fall. I used the address where I lived last, because I dont have a current address. The school district discovered that I wasnt living at that address and charged me with fraud. I was arrested yesterday and havent yet been to court. My son was placed in the care of protective services. I just want to get out of jail as soon as possible to reunite with my son. I have some questions, and I was hoping you could do some research to find the answers for me. The police never read me my Miranda warnings. Will my case be dismissed as a result? The police also havent questioned me yet. Should I agree to talk to them, if asked? Is this considered a state or federal offense? Will this be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony? Do you think I really need an attorney? After all, I am guilty, and I cant afford one. I also dont have any money for bail. Are there any options that would allow me to be released from custody prior to trial and that would not require money? How do I get to see the police reports? What is the difference between the grand jury hearing and a preliminary hearing? Which would be better in my case? Do you think that I should just plead guilty so I can get this over with and reunite with my son? Why or why not? Who decides if Im guilty: the prosecutor, judge, or jury? What happens if I am found guilty? What type of sentence do you think Ill receive? Why do you think Ill receive that sentence? What are my options if I dont agree with the verdict or the sentence? Write a 700- to 1,050-word letter to your friend answering your friends questions. Cite and reference the assigned text and at least one other scholarly and reliable source in your letter. Do not use dictionaries or encyclopedias as source material for this assignment. Format your letter consistent with APA guidelines and no plagiarism. The use of first person (I, we) and second person (you) is appropriate for this assignment. *SECOND ASSIGNMENT* Write a 850 word paper to the community explaining the restorative justice process. Include the following in your paper: -Explain the process of restorative justice and why it is used in the criminal justice system. -Explain how the damage of a crime can go beyond the immediate victim. -Describe how the restorative justice process differs from contemporary criminal justice processes. -Reflect on how the restorative justice process can benefit the offender, the victim and the community. **Please for both of these assignments cite all your used references and no plagiarism!** Due Monday September 18th by 6:00 pm PST