Date: 18/09/2017
Feedback Given By: User_11475
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Brilliant Answers
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: Write a minimum of a 250 word journal entry elaborating on the "hierarchy of controls" and on the how you implement the "hierarchy of controls" in day-to-day activities in your life (i.e. work, home, travel, activities, etc.). Be sure to answer the following three questions, in a minimum of three (3) paragraphs...one paragraph for each of the three (3) questions: 1) What are the "Hierarchy of Controls"? 2) Which hierarchy of controls do you believe you utilize most/least and why? 2) Which hierarchy of controls do you believe are most/least practical and why? For example purposes of "hierarchy of control" implementation, I instruct the children in my house to stay outside of the kitchen when I cook to avoid the interaction with the cooking activities (i.e. hot water, hot oven, knives, etc.)...this would be an "administration" control applied. I also cook on the backside burners of the stove to reduce the likelihood of the pot being knocked off and to prevent a kid from grabbing it and getting burned...this would be considered an "engineering" control. here is a the link http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/hsprograms/hazard_control.html Below is a list of the "heirarchy of controls" application examples. Elimination Control examples: 1) Eliminating a fall hazard by working on the ground vs working above the ground; 2) Eliminating ergonomic hazards by staging equipment at a height that does not require lifting; 3) Eliminate confined space hazards in the design phase so that the space is not a "confined space" by definition; Substitution Control examples: 1) Implementing automated material handling equipment rather than manual material handling; 2) Using a less hazardous cleaning chemical; 3) Upgrading an old boiler system with higher explosion hazards to a hot air system. Engineering Control examples: 1) Implement machine guards; 2) Implement circuit breakers; 3) Implement a ventilation system. Administration Control examples: 1) Training; 2) Supervision; 3) Job rotation;; 4) scheduling; 5) inspections/investigations. Personal Protective Equipment examples: 1) safety glasses; 2) respirators; 3) hearing protection; 4) safety shoes; 5) gloves. and here is another link for a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqKM_EKEsEY and here is the last link that you would need to look at it https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/hierarchy/ after seeing the all links that I have put there then you will be able to write the journal thanks