Date: 17/09/2017
Feedback Given By: User_12113
Feedback Comment: Amazing work! I will be using him again
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: TheBest
Total payment made for this project was: $50.00
Project Summary: Logic Model Assignment Background In this scenario you are the administrator of the not-for-profit, non-governmental organization Girls Power Wayne. The organization is in year 3 of 5 of their strategic implementation plan. Below are critical excerpts from the plan. Mission Girls Power Wayne provides leadership, educational and health opportunities to girls in a safe and nurturing social environment. Vision The women and girls of Wayne County are empowered agents of change that improve the quality of life in our community. Strategic Goals Improve high school graduation rates among females. Improve the number of girls admitted to four-year academic institutions. Prepare college-bound female for academic success. Provide leadership training and opportunities. Lower teen pregnancy rates. Lower teen substance abuse. Provide a safe and supportive facility for female socializing and programs. Pair adolescent girls with female mentors from the community and support this relationship. Assignment 1) Using the HP 2020 resource provided select an HP 2020 objective that supports Girls Power Wayne strategic goals. 2) Develop your own program or intervention intended to improve the HP 2020 objective you selected. Write a SMART objective for this program. 3) Using the County Health Rankings and at least two other credible resources, complete the Assumptions and External Factors of the logic model. Not all assumptions and external factors must be cited, but at least two must be. 4) Complete the remainder of the logic model for your program or intervention. A template is provided.