Date: 08/10/2017
Feedback Given By: User_11475
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Javawriter
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: Information Focus on changes from old case lifecycle Not every change has to be better. Some might even be worse. That's a perfectly fine outcome for this course. It's very useful to find out (on paper) that an idea you thought might be good in practice won't. ASSIGNMENT 300 words Conduct a basic lifecycle assessment of the NEW case. Identify the environmental impacts at each stage 1. Identify Wastes (all kinds) Materials Extraction/Resourcing Production (include energy use) Distribution and marketing Use Disposal/recycle/reuse Transportation between different phases of life cycle 2. Which steps are more sustainable, less sustainable, the same. Explain why 3. What are some life cycle aspects that may be difficult or impossible (at this time) to change? Explain your reasoning 4. What are some of the implications of your product's lifecycle on the environment and societal factors? 5. References (need at least 2) I have upload the old phone case