Date: 08/01/2017
Feedback Given By: User_10397
Feedback Comment: one of the best writer
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: ESSAYSTAR
Total payment made for this project was: $20.00
Project Summary: Essay Questions: (2 questions/100 pts. each) Below are the three possible essay questions for the midterm exam in Christianity. From these three, you will choose one as the subject of clear and well-organized essay of 300 or more words. Keep in mind that these answers need a strong thesis statement at the beginning, and support for that thesis with both facts and logic. You have to know something about the pertinent facts, and put them together with careful attention to critical reasoning. You will also need to write your essay in a way that makes your thinking as clear as possible. You will have to take the exam entirely from memory and without such aids as books and notes, so I suggest you practice writing put your answer at east twice before taking the exam. 1. The Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of John each make different arguments about who Jesus is, and what he accomplished. What is the main claim about Jesus each of them makes? How does each gospel support its claims? To whom were they making their claims, and to what values among their readers do they each appeal? 2. How did different factions of 1st century Judaism understand the meaning of the term messiah? How did the life of Jesus conform to these expectations, and in what ways did Jesus followers redefine the term? 3. Unlike most other religions of the ancient Mediterranean, Christianity placed an enormous emphasis upon belief. Why? What did it gain from this innovation, and what problems did this cause? In some cases this was believing in, and in others it became believing that. Please discuss the importance and the relationship between each type of believing and the function of each in the development of Christian communities and institutions.