Date: 24/07/2017
Feedback Given By: User_10576
Feedback Comment: Got an A on my paper.... Thanks a bunch
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: WBURO
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: submit a 2 page review of a current scholarly article on the current healthcare legislation and its possible effects on the healthcare system. Please try to locate political neutral articles. You will utilize the Article Review Form provided in the Assignment Instruction folder. Article reviews will include the following elements: 1. Authors proposed purpose/goal of the Article - Provide a brief overview of the article, its intended audience, and its purpose. 2. Analysis of Key Issues - Analyze the articles key issues discussing their strengths and weaknesses, providing evidence to support your opinions. 3. Conclusions/Findings/Assumption Discuss the authors conclusions, findings or assumption as they relate to the current healthcare discussion. Also identify any social or political position the author is promoting. 4. Personal assessment and reflection - Provide several assessments of how the article can be used in support or rejection of current healthcare policy and clearly relates them to biblical principles. Format the reviews and all references/citations used in your review in APA or AMA style and see the Article Review Grading Rubric for the specific grading criteria. **** Please do not COPY and paste what you see online everything MUST be orginial work***** please don't waste my time or yours because i WILL send your completed work for a plagiarism check prior to releasing the payment. ***************** Do Not bid unless you are able to complete this assignment on time.... See attachments also.... Thank you!!! Happy bidding