Date: 22/07/2017
Feedback Given By: User_11601
Feedback Comment: good and on time
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: WBURO
Total payment made for this project was: $40.00
Project Summary: Research Paper Instructions1.Your outline should be about 750 words. Breakdown your topic, come up with 3-5 good questions to research at the Zahnow Library Research Center, and the Zahnow Writing Center. Outline should include includeintroduction of topic, key issues, economic policy recommendations, counter arguments, rebuttal (defense) of your recommendations using economic facts from the textbook, and conclusion. Begin by developing a bullet list of ideas related to your topic. Your outline should be insightful and clear. Go tohttps://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/544/03/for information about writing outlines.2.Outline is due 7-13-17, and must be submitted on www.Turnitin.com. Enroll in our class. Use Class ID# and Password. I will review your outline and make comments and suggestions for you on Turnitin.com. 3.The field of Economics typically uses APA formatting. You may use either APA, or MLA 8thEd formatting, but you must be consistent throughout your entire paper. Purdue OWL is a great online resource for formatting (bottom left has links to MLA & APA guidelines) https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/. The SVSU Writing Center has online formatting athttp://svsu.edu/writingcenter/studentresources/citation/. Another good writing resource is http://www.calvin.edu/library/knightcite/index.php. If you are not sure about style, arrangement, audience expectations, characteristics, etc., ask the Zahnow Writing Center (open 9am-7pm Mon to Thurs, and 10am-2pm on Fridays). 4.Use primary data sites like www.nber.org, www.bls.gov,www.aier.org, https://research.stlouisfed.org, our book, etc. for tables, charts, graphs, etc. First, read up on your topic, think deeply, and then come up with relevant economic policy recommendations that address key economic issues related to your topic. 5. From your outline, write your rough draft. Use Turnitin.com check similarity score which should be no more than 25% similar to other works. Make needed adjustments. Check with the Zahnow Writing Center.5.For counter argument (opposing economic views that contradict your recommendations) use op-ed articles from www.wsj.com(The Wall Street Journal)or www.nyt.com(New York Times) which are free and available at Zahnow Library. If you are having difficulty finding WSJ articles, take this instruction sheet and grading rubric to the Zahnow LibraryResearch Center. The research center is veryhelpful. 6.For rebuttal, defend your economic policy recommendations, using economic facts from textbook, or other sources like www.khanacademny.org, etc. Be sure you correctly cite your sources.7.Paper,should be about 5-7 pages (2500 words), formatted using either MLA 8thEd or APA consistently, meet or exceed grading rubric requirements, be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with standard 1-inch headings and margins, citations, plus a bibliography (Works-Cited). 8.Rough draft is due 7-25-17, and must be submitted on www.Turnitin.com. It will be reviewed for structure, organization, idea development, charts, graphs, tables, economic policy recommendations, counter-argument using WSJ or NYT article, your rebuttal (defense), conclusion, citations and bibliography. Structure should be organized, clear, logical, and concise. Comments will be made on Turnitin.com. It is up to you to correct typos, grammar & structure using the Writing Center.9.Final paper is due 8-10-17.Bring a hard copy of your final Research Paper to class on Final Exam day.