Date: 22/07/2017
Feedback Given By: XenonScript
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Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: harvardtutor
Total payment made for this project was: $65.00
Project Summary: The Final Project assignment is your chance to choose any topic that weve covered, or related topic, and write a paper, approximately 6 pages minimum using appropriate APA or MLA citation style for all references. Here are some possible choices, although you need not limit yourself to these options: 1) The typical choice for this project is to watch two films or 2 TV show (3 episodes for each series) related to UFOs or Alien visitation. After watching the films or shows, compare and contrast them. 1-What type of Alien, based on our class power points/lecture, are shown? 2-What reactions to the Aliens do humans have? 3-What do these reactions say about humanity/people in general? 4-Do the films or TV shows reveal a criticism of some aspect of society? For example, do they imply that the government, corporations, or powerful people are involved in some way with the Aliens, and acting against the best interests of everyday citizens? 5-Do these representations have a hero? Who is it or who are they? What makes them heroic, and -what does that say about people or Aliens? 6-What is the ending/conclusion of each film/show, and how does that ending shape our view of humans/Aliens? 7-To what degree are these two TV series/Films the same or different, when it comes to the above questions? 2) Pick any topic we covered in class and write a research paper on that subject, for example, Project Blue Book, or Roswell, or the Cold War, etc. Let me know as soon as possible what your topic is, and I will give you some questions to answer regarding that subject.