Date: 20/07/2017
Feedback Given By: User_12062
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Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Thetutor
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: Assignment on article critic. Requirements: Min 2 pages. Explains (one short paragraph) why you chose this article(write anything you like). Briefly (one or two paragraphs) summarizes the article. Makes a claim about the strength or validity of the authors claims. Supports your claims about the authors work with specific evidence from the article. Makes a supported recommendation about whether someone in your field should use this article in his/her own research or writing. The assignment should be in APA format. FORMAT Your critique should be in essay format, using complete sentences and paragraphs in double spacing. It should begin with a paragraph discussing the connection of the topic to your career path, interests, etc. whatever reason brought you to choosing this topic. Then write a summary that identifies the article and author. That should be followed by your evaluation of the research and writing of the article, supported by evidence. Finally, you should conclude with a one paragraph recommendation, again supported by evidence, about the use of the article.