Date: 29/06/2017
Feedback Given By: User_11031
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: WBURO
Total payment made for this project was: $25.00
Project Summary: For this assignment I would like for you to choose the three most important topics covered in the following videos: The One Trillion Dollars, The Economy in 2 Minutes , and IOUSA After choosing these topics, I want you to discuss the importance of these issues in terms of their impact on our nation's future in at least two paragraphs. For instance, you may choose to discuss the problem of political leadership, how we should better allocate public goods amongst societal members, and political influence by referring to different aspects of the videos watched. Again, the topics you choose is up to you. This is simply an example. You can describe and discuss each issue separately, or combine their presentation, in the format of your choosing (essay, descriptive paper, etc.). However, I want you to treat the topic carefully and seriously in your presentation. All of the issues presented in the videos concern your future and I want that urgency expressed in your work. Effort and context will be a big part of your overall grade for the assignment. Once you are finished you can submit the assignment through the discussion board under this thread, or to me directly in class (typed, double or single spaced). Be sure to cite additional research if you choose to use it.