Date: 14/06/2017
Feedback Given By: User_6893
Feedback Comment: nice work. also, faster
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Brilliant Answers
Total payment made for this project was: $35.00
Project Summary: Please follow the instructions I will upload for this project. Our project about Design and Medical Device Company. Out of three companies we have to choose two and we choose (3CPM EGG, and Machine Solutions. Our idea is to merge the companies 3CPM EGG, and Machine Solutions and open them in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and open the two companies next to each other as a one company that they provide the services of the two company in company on the as a PowerPoint, you need to talk about each one of us what he did in the slides you provide, 6 slides in total ( the first slide is about the project and what every one did, then the five other slides that you will talk about the project . Also, the instructions for what you need to be consider to add in the slides and the proposal is Summarize your group's research - all students' work p. 393 - Figure 12.2 - What kind of change are your recommending? Why? Explain? Report your recommendations: "role model" - how Fort Wayne could adapt this idea/concept , I will add the picture of the page. Try to make it short and simple and easy. We will presenting our projects to clients and convince them that our idea is great. Also, we want one proposal paper you will talk about each person and what he did, (Haitham did 3CPM EGG, Abdullah did Machine Solutions, and Mohammad did Lumenis)