Date: 23/05/2017
Feedback Given By: User_11730
Feedback Comment: Thank u
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: WBURO
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: Euthyphro 1-After reading the Euthyphro, write a couple of sentences describing your general impression of Socrates. 2-Why is Socrates appearing at the court? What are the charges being brought against him? 3-The dialogue turns to a discussion of piety between Socrates and Euthyphro. Euthyphro offers up several definitions of piety, which are discussed and ultimately rejected. I want you to tell me at least two of the definitions that Euthyphro offers for piety and explain why Socrates rejects these definitions (what problem(s) does he point out with each definition?) 4-In this dialogue, Euthyphro represents the Greek religious person. Give one example of how Euthyphro appeals to stories about the Greek gods to justify his beliefs. 5-The dialogue ends by one of the characters departing the scene. Who is it that departs? Why do you think he leaves? What does the other character do to try to convince him to stay? On the reading "Who was Socrates?" 6-Why according to the text were Plato and Socrates against democracy? 7-Describe the divine sign that Socrates says comes to him.