Date: 05/10/2017
Feedback Given By: User_11527
Feedback Comment: Professional work that was done on time. I definitely recommend ExcellentTutor
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: ExcellentTutor
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: Remix Assignment For this project you will transform one of your essays into an alternative form. You might choose to create a video, a photo essay, a Prezi presentation, a web page, a painting, a brochure, a poster, a poem, a skit, etc. Please bring all of your essays next class so that we can start discussing how we might select essays and alternative forms of presentation. Your final project should be accompanied by a 2-3 page letter (double spaced) to an audience of your choosing that explains: the SWAP elements of your project why you selected the essay and alternative presentational form(s) that you chose for this project your process (RAIDS) for creating the project We will create an evaluation guide for this project together in class. Note: SWAP refers to Subject, Writer, Audience, Purpose RAIDS refers to Revision, Arrangement, Invention, Delivery, Style This project is due on your final exam date. PS* the easiest i think is a a power point slides but its up to you if you want to make a poster or anything else from the list above, if you choose a PP not more than 3 or 4 slides along with a 1 page summary of the paper included in the attached file, please add visiuals related to the paper (finance career "financial planer pictures of firms meetings stock market.. etc)