Date: 05/05/2017
Feedback Given By: User_11757
Feedback Comment: Good paper, even though he or she deliver a little bit late, but not that bad paper.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: phoniextutor
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: Please write 1 to 2 pages (between 650 and 700 words as a minimum) research paper explaining the topic of your choice from the following list of topics .Pictures, graphs, and handwritten examples are not included in overall length of the paper. Be sure to include an opening and closing paragraph. The paper must be typed, double spaced, and 12 point font. Due date is by 04.18.2017 Grading Rubric: 1. A cover page that includes only the exact research paper topic (from the following topics) and your name- 10 points 2. Length- 40 points. 3. Detail of explanation- 40 points. 4. Accuracy of explanation- 40 points. 5. Examples- 10 points 6. Reference(s)/Work cited- 10 points Total Grade: 150 points Topics: 1. What is a budget line? What cause a movement annd what causes a shift in budget line? Explain. 2. Explain the consumer and the producer surplus. Under which condition the combined area of both surpluses can be maximized? 3. What are determinants of the price elasticity of demand? Explain. 4. Distinguish the short run form the long run. Generally, what causes cost of production to vary with output in the short run? What generally causes costs of production to vary in the long run? Explain. 5. Distinguish economies and diseconomies of scale. How can the extent to which economies and diseconomies of scale explain the size and number of real world firm in an industry? 6. What are the characteristics of the perfectly competitive market? Explain. 7. What are the profit maximizing (loss minimizing) levels of price and quantity for the perfectly competitive firm both in the short-run and in the long-run? Explain. 8. Explain differnt theories of international trade. 9. What is a production possibilities curve? What cause a movement and what causes a shift in PPC? Explain. 10. Explain the characteristics of the monopoly market. 11. Explain different types of externlites and describe private and public (Government) solution to the probelm. 12. What is a public good? compare a public good with a private good and explain the characteristics of public goods. 13. Explain how a monopolist can increase profits by price discriminating. What are the conditions necessary for price discrimination? 14. What is the most important characteristic of monopolistic competition? How do firms behave differently from perfect competitors? 15. What are the profit maximizing (loss minimizing) levels of price and quantity for the monopolistic competitive firm both in the short-run and in the long-run? Explain. 16. How does the short-run equilibrium of a monopolistic competitor differ from a monopolist? How does it differ from a perfect competitor? Explain. 17. What are the characteristics of an oligopoly? Explain. NOTE: NO PLAGIARISM please