Date: 05/04/2017
Feedback Given By: User_11601
Feedback Comment: good
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: annewriter
Total payment made for this project was: $50.00
Project Summary: please do not use anything from the internet, use only the article Choose five passages (1-4 sentences in length) from Michel Foucault (pp. 380-390). You may choose from those offered here or from others from the readings from Michel Foucault (pp. 380-390). For each passage write a substantive brief essay explaining the passages meaning in light of Foucaults views as presented in the larger reading selection. (20 points each) Minimum: 50 words each Be aware that I am emailing you a copy of the Foucault reading and gave a printed copy out in class, so that even if you do not have the course text available you can access the reading. Choose each passage, making sure that you understand it in light of Foucaults general views, write out the passage, and then explain it in your own words. Be sure to explain the full quote, not simply a piece of it. Remember: explain the concepts we have been dealing with in your own words. Imagine that you are explaining them to someone who has not read the course material but is intelligent and interested. All Moravian College policies on academic conduct apply. Plagiarism or cheating will result in a 0 on this exam and/or an F for the course, including consulting an outside source beyond: Do not consult any outside source besides the course books, your class notes, and (for those who do not have English as a first language, a language dictionary). Do not use the internet! This exam is open book, open notes. If you use any direct wording, phrases, quotes or close paraphrases, please be extra careful to also explain the ideas in your own words. Say what you think it means, linking it to the author's views without "parroting" them back in wording similar to the author's. I need to assess your understanding, which means that you must use your own words. Particularly if you have studied with someone else, take special care that your exam shows your own individual work. If any part of anyones answers appear similar to those of another student or of another source (online or otherwise), I will need to pursue academic conduct investigation. Your exam answers are being graded for the clarity and quality of your writing, in addition to the content itself. Strive to be so clear that your answers cannot be misunderstood. Be sure to explain yourself and any terms used enough that a reader new to these issues would understand. There was a steady proliferation of discourses concerned with sex specific discourses, different from one another both by their form and by their object: a discursive ferment that gathered momentum from the eighteenth century onward. (Foucault, p. 383) This scheme for transforming sex into discourse had been devised long before in an ascetic and monastic setting. (Foucault, p. 384) What is peculiar to modern societies, in fact, is not that they consigned sex to a shadow existence, but that they dedicated themselves to speaking of it ad infinitum, while exploiting it as the secret. (Foucault, p. 385) Explain at least two of the following principal features Foucault describes in common conceptions of power: the negative relation, the insistence of the rule, the cycle of prohibition, the logic of censorship, the uniformity of the apparatus. (Foucault, p. 386) power is tolerable only on condition that it mask a substantial part of itself. Its success is proportional to its ability to hide its own mechanisms. (Foucault, p. 387) power must be understood in the first instance as the multiplicity of force relations immanent in the sphere in which they operate and which constitute their own organization. (Foucault, p. 387) Power is not something that is acquired, seized, or shared, something that one holds on to or allows to slip away; power is exercised from innumerable points, in the interplay of non-egalitarian and mobile relations. (Foucault, p. 388) Power comes from below; that is, there is no binary and all-encompassing opposition between rulers and ruled at the root of power relations, and serving as a general matrix no such duality extending from the top down and reacting on more and more limited groups to the very depths of the social body. (Foucault, p. 388) Power is everywhere; not because it embraces everything, but because it comes from everywhere. (Foucault, p. 388) Should we turn the expression around, then, and say that politics is war pursued by another means? (Foucault, p. 388) Power relations are both intentional and non-subjective. If in fact they are intelligible, this is not because they are the effect of another instance that explains them, but rather because they are imbued, through and through, with calculation: there is no power that is exercised without a series of aims and objectives. But this does not mean that it results from the choice or decision of an individual subject (Foucault, p. 388) Where there is power, there is resistance, and yet, or rather consequently, this resistance is never in a position of exteriority in relation to power. (Foucault, p. 389)