Date: 19/04/2017
Feedback Given By: User_11764
Feedback Comment: He gave me the assignment late more almost four hours and I was sending messages to him and he didn't respond to me.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: phoniextutor
Total payment made for this project was: $20.00
Project Summary: need an assay for class English 96 I attached a paper you need to read it then write 5 paragraphs( introduction, 3 bodies, conclusion). The three body paragraphs should include 7 reasons: in medical reasons, social reasons, and religious reasons For example in medical reasons: they don't have any vaccines or medical equipments. they don't have bathrooms so they will get infections and going to die. no shower. social: They don't have any communications with other communities, no phones. religious: the bible don't have any answer for them. Include 3 citations.