Date: 17/04/2017
Feedback Given By: HOLLA
Feedback Comment: Very nice work and quickly completed.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: ExcellentTutor
Total payment made for this project was: $300.00
Project Summary: You have been hired as a consultant and asked to provide a whitepaper on the company's risk management to the CIO Create an outline and first draft paper with the following information: Describe how the organization can apply risk management principles in its efforts to secure their systems. Outline how protection efforts will vary over time. Include three different example sets, each with a vulnerability, related risk, and way to mitigate (control) that item. Be sure the vulnerability example(s) are consistent with the definitions. Identify three (3) references and use these to develop your material. Use one direct quote and include that quote in the first draft. Be sure the quote is cited consistent with APA. This is the second of three parts to this project. Refer back to your organization used in the Week Two Applying Risk Management Consulting assignment. A better way to control user access to data is to tie data access to the role a user plays in an organization. Some organizations are still learning this. Your paper this week includes the importance of controlling user access. Build on the previous week's assignment. Refine the draft and add two (2) more references along with one (1) more quote. The second draft of the paper should be 4-6 pages long (not including the title or referernce page). In addition to refining the previous material include the following additional items: The value of separating duties in the organization The value of using roles to segregate the data and system access needs of individuals in the organization