Date: 04/11/2017
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Project Summary: 1- Final exam, How The World Works And How Should It? 9 pages 2- use the books and the nots only 3- there are some cases that i already summarized, you can use them in the essay to support your idea. 1909 American President William Howard Taft ordered the overthrow of Nicaraguan President Jose Santos Zelaya. The reason he said for this was that he was protecting America security and promoting safety, but in the real sense, he was protecting American companies (p3). The unknown reasons, however, were Zelaya too ambitious a leader that the Washington government could not cope with. He successfully lobbied the shift of building the canal from Nicaragua to Panama. In 1953, John Foster Dulles was at the center of instigating a cop in Iran in which he wanted to change Iran for reasons like policy making, also making the Middle East safe for American companies The GUATEMALA case 1954, involved the Dulles brothers who wanted to protect the United Fruit Co., a corporation his law firm represented. President Santos Zelaya took his nationalist principles strictly that it compelled Americans to overthrow him. The American perspective of Zelaya was changed when he refused to respect the interests of American companies and they turned against him, collaborated with the American Gov. and Zelaya's nemesis, Estrada to topple to execute and overthrow his government. Zelaya was forced into exile, and Estrada matched to Managua with little opposition and was declared president in Aug. 21st, 1910. The Guatemala government had challenged the powers of United Fruit and therefore since Dulles interests were threatened he sought to protect them by overthrowing the gov. Their main reasons were that the fruit company was not gaining from the cheap and exploitative labor that it was getting for the Nicaraguan people and decided to topple the ambitious Jacobo Arbenz, the then Guatemala president. The company managed to show Washington that Jacobo's policies were communist and this is the time when the cold war was at its peak. The Washington government swung into action and the U.S government, under Dwight Eisenhower, a passionate hater of communist whose ascension to power was to end communism bombed Guatemala City and a radio station and spread propaganda to people and army against President Arbenz. Arbenz's resistance was weakened as the military was already against him due to psychological warfare and possible future attack by the Americans. Also, arming citizens against the Americans proved futile. He, therefore, resigned in 1954. IRAN CASE- Mossadegh was an enemy and perceived rival of President Dwight Eisenhower, having won a prestigious award in front of Dwight. The rivalry could play a significant role in the coup that the American government staged against Mossadegh, the then president of Iran. By nationalizing a British Oil company, Dulles and Washington found another reason which was construed that Iran was being led to communism by Mossadegh. Dulles was however driven by his ambition to end communism and protect multinational companies. He saw the overthrowing of Mossadegh as a loophole that could pave the way for the entry of communists in Iran. The communists, according to Dulles, could then control large chunks of oil and Dulles was opposed to this fact. He, therefore, sought to use substantial funds to General Zahedi to support the Muslim society and Iranian Parliament to campaign against Mossadegh. They succeeded, but Mossadegh changed the constitution to give him powers to dissolve parliament. Roosevelt could pump more money to the Iranian authorities, and when there were protests against Mossadegh, he chose to be more democratic, sent police to suppress the street protests not knowing that many of them were on Roosevelt's payroll. The process of overthrowing Mossadegh was however concluded when Roosevelt drove out his office and openly declared General Zahedi the prime minister of Iran. CHILE also was a country that felt the effect of American influence on foreign nations. In 1961, President Kennedy wanted to look for a country that had necessary political and physical infrastructure in place. After identification of Chile, American started to pump money into Chile economy to campaign for Eduardo Frei, who was a Christian and a Leftist and favored against Allendre, a socialist and thorn to many in Washington. Allendre was a revolutionist and an ardent social reformer who was also profoundly influenced by experiences in life. The controls of the monies pumped by the CIA made Allendre lose elections in 1964. During this period up to 1969, most of the Chilean soldiers were taught in Panama by Americans against Marxism and equated with treason. Meanwhile, President Nixon came into power and went on to influence the Chilean polls of 1970. He pumped less money than his predecessor did through the CIA, and Allendre won the elections to Washington's dismay. Allendre's winning was not the end of Nixon's involvement in Chile as he was determined not to let Chile be another Cuba. Use of the CIA and radio stations to undermine Allendre was at play as they [preacned the horrors his regime would bring. To bring more chaos in Chile, General Rene Schneider was assassinated by the CIA agents. The assassination made Chile more robust than Washington thought. What followed was the funding of opposition to destabilize Salvador Allendre's reign. There were street protests, cutting off American aid and loans to Chile, General Augusto Pinochet overcame and killed Allendre with the help of Americans in 1973 and became president. SOUTH VIETNAM was another case where America was heavily involved. The coup against Ngo Diem in 1963 was one that most American soldiers and CIA agents regret. It is something that they or America should not have. The reason was that Washington installed Diem and if he proved unmanageable, they could depose him just as they imposed him on the South Vietnamese people. Just like President Kenedy was involved in the killing of Diem, he was also assassinated. Diem was succeeded by General Guong Van Minh installed Tran Van Don as minister of defense. The government never lasted as it was overthrown after only three months due to its incapacity to work and partly due to the murder of their predecessor Diem. The successor of Kennedy, President Johnson, sent more soldiers to South Vietnam. The war painted Johnson's reputation black as more than 58000 Americans lost their lives and America incurred a substantial debt from the war. The HONDURAN case happened in the year 2009 to President Manuel Zelaya. He was the Honduran Constitutional leader, elected in 2006. However, after orchestrating a referendum in merica was involved in the process of toppling Zelaya and this was because of his ambitious and perceived leftist leanings.his country, he was toppled on June 28, 2009, in a bloodless coup and detained to Costa Rica. In his position, Roberto Micheletti was appointed by the National Congress. There were substantial allegations that A