Date: 04/01/2017
Feedback Given By: User_10682
Feedback Comment: Great job
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: phoniextutor
Total payment made for this project was: $60.00
Project Summary: Political geography: 6 page paper, 3 articles, 2 pages per article. Due today. Citation style: (author, date, title, journal, volume, pages) Keywords: These should be 5 keywords that define the major topics of the article. I.E if someone were searching a database of these articles, then they would search these keywords much as you searched ERIC databases. Examples: geopolitics, Shah, modernization, BEDAMN, containment) Reviewer name: this is you Your introduction: Very short intro into the article, one or two sentence summary at most. Why did you decide to review this specific article? Abstract and overview: short summary of the article. True abstracts are no more than 100/150 words and are one paragraph. This abstract and overview can be a little longer. Nevertheless, try to keep it to a few paragraphs at most. Analysis and synthesis: Here is where you actually "review" the article. What are the most important conclusions of the article or the most important aspects from your perspective? How, specifically, does this inform your understanding of political geography? What did you learn from the article? Are there points in the article with which you agree or disagree? Why? Pull it all together-what conclusions or implications do you feel are the most important? Again, dont feel that you need to write a long document. A few well crafted paragraphs that are succinct and directly to the point with sound arguments supporting your position are all that is needed. Formatting: single spaced for title, keywords, and reviewer name, then double spaced for the remainder of the review, 1" margins all around, times new roman 12 pt font, formal grammar and syntax. Note: if you combine your analysis with the overview, this decision is fine. Still provide the "abstract" section and just make it exactly that, an abstract that is one paragraph and no more than 150 words. Then, I will expect to see a more detailed summary of the article woven into the "Analysis and Synthesis" section. I have the articles chosen for it, I will provide them once we agree to do this.