Date: 28/03/2017
Feedback Given By: User_6975
Feedback Comment: very good
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: WBURO
Total payment made for this project was: $50.00
Project Summary: Students will solve an ethical dilemma using a decision making model (PISCO model) in the Case Study assignment. The textbook discusses several different other decision making models, however, students in this class will use the PISCO model for solving the given ethical dilemma in the attached case. The PISCO model is explained on the lower half of the assignment sheet (see attached). Included here are the Instructions for the assignment (which includes the Ethical Dilemma Case and PISCO Model Explanation), Case Study Helpful Hints, Case Study Example, SWOT Reading, and the Grading Rubric. Please read all attached material before starting your assignment. 1-FORMAT A cover page with student name. Title of course, Title of assignment, Date, and Name and Tittle of OLS 26300 Instructor. Headers are used to separate sections of the case study. Six to eight pages in length; double spaced text; 12-point font; single-sided pages and Times New Roman Print; 1 inch margins. 2-APA FORMAT, CITATIONS, REFERENCES There are 3 citations or quotations AND references in proper APA format. 3-PROBLEM Identify and state the actual problem presented in the case study. The problem is short and concise. A number of facts are not included in this section. 4-INPUT State the facts in your own words. Data, knowledge base, research, and other pertinent information regarding the case are properly cited. What is needed to solve problem is included. 5-SOLUTIONS Create at least 2 solutions to the case and do a SWOT analysis on each of your solutions. The words strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) are highlighted. 6-CHOICE A clear statement that reflects the best choice for change, empowerment, transformation, is written as the choice. The choice is a short statement. (Arguments are made in Solution section not Choice Section.) 7-OPERATIONAL PLAN Develop an action plan with at least 4-6 action steps. 8-WRITING Paper is coherently organized and the logic is easy to follow. Writing is clear and concise and persuasive. Terms/course concepts clearly defined and applied appropriately. 9-USE OF EVIDENCE Primary source information used to support points. Examples support and fit within paragraphs. Excellent integration of quoted material into sentences. Demonstrates an in-depth understanding of ideas in assigned case and critically evaluates /responds to those ideas in an analytical, persuasive manner.