Date: 22/03/2017
Feedback Given By: User_8765
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Brilliant Answers
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: I need a 4-5 paged, APA typed, PLAGIARISM FREE, paper with 4or more sources with a reference page : 1) IDENTIFY A CURRENT CASE THAT RAISES AN ISSUE IN BIOETHICS - The case should be no more than one year old. Present the relevant details about the case, so the reader can understand and evaluate the ethical issues it raises. 2) IDENTIFY THE ISSUE RAISED AND PROVIDE CONTEXT - The issue should be stated in the clearest and most concise fashion. Provide the reader with the historical, scientific, political, and social context necessary to understand the issue and the importance of your specific case. This very likely involves relating the case to some of the cases studied in class. The context should make clear a) how and when the issue arose and b) why it is important to society. 3) ARTICULATE ARGUMENTS - Summarize the different positions on the issue and the case. It should be the case that a position on the broader issue necessitates a position on the specific case (i.e. a position on personhood necessitates certain positions on a specific piece of abortion legislation). If that's not the case, your issue and your case are not sufficiently connected. If there are myriad positions on the issue/case, summarize the two or three you think are most defensible or common in society. 4) EVALUATE THE ARGUMENTS AND THEIR ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS - Analyze the philosophical/ethical principles and assumptions included in each argument. If applicable, describe the strengths and weaknesses of the ethics employed by each side. 5) EXPLAIN YOUR OWN PERSPECTIVE ON THE ISSUE/CASE AND THE RELEVANCE TO YOUR LIFE/PRACTICE - Consider why and how you favor a particular response to the issue/case. If you are ambivalent, explain your ambivalence. Relate your overall discussion to your personal and professional life.