Date: 21/03/2017
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Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Essaymasters
Total payment made for this project was: $50.00
Project Summary: Study Guide Exam 1 Colonial and Revolutionary America Key Terms John Smith John Rolfe Pocahontas staple crops Powhatan Opechancanough John Winthrop City upon a hill the New England paradox linkages sovereign land ownership vs. individual land ownership sachem wampum fur trade smallpox William Byrd II of Westover Robert King Carter Anthony Johnson Martha Ballard household production George Washingtons Rules of Civility courtesy books Iroquois/Five Nations/Six Nations Navigation Acts Second Anglo-Dutch War mourning wars Beaver Wars Grand Settlement of 1701 Covenant Chain Walking Purchase James Logan Half-King/Tanaghrisson Fort Duquesne Fort Necessity Braddocks Defeat New Lights and Old Lights George Whitefield Bacons Rebellion gang labor and task labor Lords Proprietor Albany Congress William Pitt General James Wolfe General John Forbes Pierre de Rigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil Louis-Joseph, Marquis de Montcalm Louisbourg Battle of Quebec/Plains of Abraham Treaty of Paris 1763 Proclamation of 1763 Pontiacs Uprising Study Questions How did settlers in the Chesapeake and New England interact with the Indians the encountered? Were their experiences similar or different? How were Indian societies organized? In what ways did trade between Indians and Europeans affect Indian societies? Why did the fur trade flourish in North America and why were beaver pelts such an important trade good? In what ways were the economies of the Britains American colonies shaped by their relationship with the mother country? What factors influenced the economic development of the New England colonies and the Chesapeake colonies? How were the economies of the two regions similar? How were they different? What factors caused a shift from labor by indentured servants to enslaved Africans in Chesapeake agriculture? What was the status of women under English law? In what ways was the status of women under the law in the American colonies different from England? In what ways did womens role in the economy and society change between 1630 and 1790? How did this affect their legal and political rights? What was the Great Awakening? How did it affect churches and the relationship between ministers and the faithful? Why did different slave labor systems develop in the Chesapeake and Lower South colonies and what did their differences mean for the lives of slaves? What sort of relationship did the Iroquois League have with other Indian groups, European settlers, and Imperial authorities? How did the Iroquois manage to become and remain the dominant Indian group in eastern North America? How did the French and Indian War affect relations between Britain and its American colonies? Between Indians and European Americans?