Date: 18/03/2017
Feedback Given By: User_9588
Feedback Comment: Nice job! paid attention to detail.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $10.00
Project Summary: >> It seemed that half of tiny Burke County turned out to cheer on the Bears. >> Against the odds, their high school football team had finally made it to the Georgia State Championship. >> Seventeen-year-old defensive lineman Jessie Bush remembers how different things were four years ago. >> A lot of people that was hungry, tired and sleepy. >> Signs that his coach, Eric Parker, recognized as the dangerous symptoms of dehydration and malnutrition. >> We had kids that literally by Tuesday they had to be removed from practice because of the intensity and the amount of energy that they was having to expend. >> They just weren't getting enough food, weren't getting the right food. >> Correct. >> In Burke County, family income is so low that 85 percent of students already qualified for free breakfast and lunch in school. But many were going without any other meals at home. >> We're probably like most small towns in America right now, you know. We're struggling. So bringing food home and putting it on the table for a lot of our people, that's a big deal. >> The idea that some students might be going to school or practice hungry probably wouldn't surprise anyone who knows Burke County, Georgia, one of the poorest counties in the country, where 48 percent of kids live below the poverty line. Coach Parker knew the school needed to do something. So he met with Donna Martin, the school nutritionist. >> He was saying, Donna, our kids need more calories. They're falling out by the end of the fourth quarter, and we need more calories. What can we do? He said, wouldn't it be great if we could feed them supper? >> It turned out after doing some research, they could. Martin applied for Federal funding through the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act. One year later, at the cost of $3 per meal, they provide dinner to 500 lower income students. Jessie Bush and Coach Parker say that's paid off on the field. >> We started getting better. You didn't hear nobody coming out there saying they was tired or hungry. >> We were finishing games strong. We really had situations where in big games we got stronger as the game went along. >> Leading the Bears to the biggest game of all. Winning the State Championship. >> Number one baby, number one in the state baby. >> I'm not gonna cut the nutrition program. What it did for us showed it all. I thought it was a big part of our success. >> Really, you attribute some of this big win to the nutrition program? >> There's no doubt. >> No doubt a sweet victory both on and off the field. Describe in detail the differences between how a strength athlete should eat and an endurance athlete should eat. Expectation: Submission will be 1 page doubled spaced type or equivalent.