Date: 16/03/2017
Feedback Given By: User_9308
Feedback Comment: good work
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: contentwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: The intent of this assignment is for students to articulate and apply concepts of the law enforcement intelligence cycle, applicable police practices, and safeguards for such practices to a hypothetical threat. Students are expected to engage the concepts, issues, research, and material presented throughout the course. The hypothetical threat scenario is provided below. This assignment consists of eight components identified below. These components are discussed in more detail to follow. 1. Title page 2. Short discussion of the role information sharing and intelligence play in aiding law enforcement to identify and potentially mitigate/prevent threats. 3. Articulated information sharing and collection plan. 4. Articulated plan to engage both community and private sector members to facilitate two-way information sharing. 5. Articulated processes and mechanisms to analyze information and create intelligence. 6. Articulated process as to how the police will leverage information and intelligence to inform strategic, operational, and/or tactical operations in response to the threat. 7. Articulated mechanisms to safeguard against violations of law and civil rights. 8. References Proposals must fall within the designated length requirements of 1,500 2,000 words. Be sure to utilize the word-count function in your word processing software to be aware of the word count. Proposals must be typed and double spaced. The word length requirement does not include the title page or references- only the body of the paper counts (e.g., components 2-8 noted above). Deadline Papers must be submitted via the online submission portal in Canvas. The deadline to submit the paper via Canvas is 11:59pm EST on March 17, 2017. No late papers will be accepted! Failure to submit the paper by the deadline will result in a zero on the assignment. 1 Hypothetical Threat Scenario The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has recently learned that international terrorist organizations have been producing counterfeit goods to sell at reduced prices in order to fund terrorist activity. Counterfeit goods have ranged across multiple areas, including pharmaceuticals, car parts, and medical equipment. These good are typically sold on the black market and through online hosting (i.e., Craigslist and Backpage). Based on conversations between the FBI and the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD), it appears these illicit activities are occurring in the city of Indianapolis. Moreover, credible information asserts that the finances acquired from these illicit activities may be funding a local terrorist incident intended to inflict mass casualties during a large gathering. Potential targets include Lucas Oil Stadium, Bankers Life Fieldhouse, the JW Marriott hotel, and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. It is believed that the individuals seeking to carry out this attack will pose as delivery personnel (i.e., UPS or FedEx) to gain access to facilities while carrying necessary ammunition or explosives. In addition to the significant threat posed by an attack on these targets, the Indianapolis community is also harmed by the prevalence of counterfeit goods on the market. For example, someone may be unknowingly purchasing fake pharmaceuticals that will not have the intended effect on their needs while someone else needing a transmission for their truck may purchase a counterfeit part that lacks the mechanical integrity to safely operate. Such counterfeit goods also undermine the local economy. Paper Components 1. Title page. The title page should contain the following items: The title of the paper, student name, the class (e.g., SPEA-J260 Law Enforcement Intelligence Operations, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis), and the instructors name. The title page is a standalone page that precedes the body of the text. 2. Short discussion of the role information sharing and intelligence play in aiding law enforcement to identify and potentially mitigate/prevent threats. You must include a short discussion (a couple of paragraphs) about the intended role and impact of information and intelligence. This discussion should establish the logic behind why such processes and practices are beneficial for police and enable the capability to potentially prevent or mitigate a threat. 3. Articulated information sharing and collection plan. In this section you must identify how the police will determine what information is needed/desired to inform the threat picture. You should discuss which agencies, businesses, and/or communities the police should engage to collect information and how this information will be collected. Think about why the information is important or relevant to the threat and how that information could be integrated into the analysis process to yield actionable outcomes. 4. Articulated plan to engage both community and private sector members to facilitate two-way information sharing. Building on the information collection plan you describe (above #3), describe why an agency, organization, business, or community member is important in this process. You must also articulate how the police will both receive and disseminate information with these partners. It is important to be mindful of concerns each partner will have (such as proprietary information concerns with private businesses). 5. Articulated processes and mechanisms to analyze information and create intelligence. Describe how the police will analyze information collected and what desired outputs will result from this information. This discussion should incorporate collaboration with a fusion center. It is not expected that students will identify 2 specific analytic techniques; rather students should discuss how information will be analyzed to develop products that can yield actionable results (i.e., something the police can do in response to the information). 6. Articulated process as to how the police will leverage information and intelligence to inform strategic, operational, and/or tactical operations in response to the threat. Building on the previous section (#5 above), discuss what the police will do with the actionable information they receive. What operations or practices will the police employ? How will the information be used to do strategic planning? 7. Articulated mechanisms to safeguard against violations of law and civil rights. You should identify what mechanisms (i.e., practices and policies) should be put in place to ensure police do not violate the law and individual civil rights during the intelligence process. This discussion should note why each mechanism is important in the context of safeguards. 8. References. You must provide a reference list for all citations included in the paper. References (and in- text citations) must follow the American Psychological Association (APA) style guidelines. Information on APA formatting can be found at: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ Grading Grammar and References: 10 points Organization: 20 points Content: 70 points