Date: 03/11/2017
Feedback Given By: User_9247
Feedback Comment: Great Writer the best on here!!!!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: IvyleagueGirl
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: Essay #4 WILL BE CHECKED WITH TURNITIN FOR PLAGIARISM SO NO PLAGIARISM!!! EVERYTHING WILL BE PROVIDED FOR ASSIGNMENT ONLINE BOOK ALSO PROVIDED WITH READING IN DOCUMENTS BELOW!!! Essay #4 will clarify academic argument with sources to inspire belief or action. After reading Peter Singer's "Animal Liberation" on page 207, create a formal researched argument using proper MLA or APA format. Use the guidelines to assist. Keep in mind that this is a "researched" argument and will need at least ONE outside source, not including the text, along with a formal works cited page to properly document these sources. Also keep in mind that Singer's piece should be the MAIN source and focus of the argument with secondary source(s) refuting or agreeing with the argument. Please include your argument, along with Singer's (again, not using the first person, "I"). Use the outside sources to support your argument and dispute others, if necessary Again, follow the guidelines and outline given there to ensure all necessary information is included.