Date: 03/10/2017
Feedback Given By: User_10930
Feedback Comment: need in less than 12 hours, writer was on time and good!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Brilliant Answers
Total payment made for this project was: $40.00
Project Summary: For my Theatre Class.. We had to watch a live play called "The Great Expectations". You have to make up the part that you were at the play please. I need this done by today March 9, 2017. It is DUE March 10, 1:00pm or 10:00 International time 1) Format: Papers must be submitted via the link TURNITIN! NO PLAGARIASM. Papers must be a minimum of 2 pages, SINGLE SPACED, 12 pt. font, HELVETICA. The paper should not exceed 3 pages. Heading must have NAME, DATE, COURSE. For section 2 and 3 (The Play/The Production) you must write in THIRD PERSON. For section 4 (Personal Response) you may use FIRST PERSON. You must use the FIVE PERSPECTIVES throughout the paper (as explained in the textbook). What is the plays social significance, human or personal significance, artistic quality, theatrical expression, and capacity to entertain. Use examples to support your claims. 2) The Play: These questions are about the play itself. What significant themes does the play seem to touch on? What is the overall message of the play? What are the main characters objectives (what do they want and what are they trying to do?) Is there anything about the play that contemporary audiences can connect to? 3) The Production: These questions are about the actual production that you attended of this play. What type of stage is being used and what is the audiences relationship to the action? What was the most effective and ineffective technical element and why? (Scenery, Lighting, Costumes, Sound, Makeup, Projections) Was the acting believable and effective? Why or why not? Was there a specific directoral vision of the play that you could determine? 4) Personal Response: Here is the section of your paper where you are free to share your thoughts and opinions of your overall experience, particularly if you have something to discuss that has not yet been covered in your paper. Was the production successful? Effective? Moving? Why or why not? Another explanation on how to write the paper! The guidelines for the paper are in the syllabus and posted on the turnitin assignment link. Note that you have only THREE sections to write on. The play, the production, and your personal response. The play is the book/story itself. The play as written will stimulate thoughts separately than the particular production of the play that you are watching. The play is the book itself and what is written, the production is that particular organization's (CSUN in most cases) live interpretation of the play. You need to address the following terms (as explained in the textbook) social significance, human or personal significance, artistic quality, theatrical expression, and capacity to entertain. These can be addressed in either the play, the production or your personal response sections as long as you address ALL of them. IN other words the play could have social significance or this particular production had social significance because.....OR the play stimulated a human significance in that the play discusses themes of etc...etc....OR in your personal response you can discuss how you thought the play had the capacity to entertain and why or you found there to be a lot of theatrical expression through specific moments and then describe them specifically. What is being expressed in a theatrical way? The artistic quality is typically discussed in the live production you saw....what was artistic and why? Make sure your papers are structured in those three sections: the play, the production and your personal response. Use those skills as a critic since you just learned about being a theatre critic from your text!