Date: 27/02/2017
Feedback Given By: User_3651
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: kelvinrotich
Total payment made for this project was: $25.00
Project Summary: As you write your policy and audit plans, make sure that you address security issues using standard cybersecurity terminology (e.g. 5 Pillars of IA, 5 Pillars of Information Security). See the resources listed under Course Resources > Cybersecurity Concepts Review for definitions and terminology. 3. Use a professional format for your policy documents and briefing package. Your policy documents should be consistently formatted and easy to read. 4. Common phrases do not require citations. If there is doubt as to whether or not information requires attribution, provide a footnote with publication information or use APA format citations and references. 5. You are expected to write grammatically correct English in every assignment that you submit for grading. Do not turn in any work without (a) using spell check, (b) using grammar check, (c) verifying that your punctuation is correct and (d) reviewing your work for correct word usage and correctly structured sentences and paragraphs. NO PLAGARISM!!!