Date: 17/11/2013
Feedback Given By: User_3972
Feedback Comment: Excellent job. The essay was done perfectly. I will remember Komatsu
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: komatsu
Total payment made for this project was: $24.00
Project Summary: Write an 3-page argument in which you use gender theory in presenting your perspective about William Shakespeares play, A Midsummer Nights Dream. 1) Create a thesis statement (your main point) that responds to this question: Does A Midsummer Nights Dream promote patriarchal attitudes? Create a very clear thesis that answers the question. Do not try to straddle the fence. Take a strong stand. 2) Support your thesis with evidence from the play. Essays with lively, specific supporting details from the play and clear and precise writing will receive the most points. Examine specific speeches and scenes and include precise details from them. 3) Include appropriate quotations from the play that highlight something important as you prove your thesis. Document the act, scene, and lines of the quotation in parenthesis (III.2.65-66). Of course, place the quotation in quotation marks. 4) Demonstrate that you understand gender theory by using terminology related to the theory correctly. 5) Write in complete sentences and organize your sentences into paragraphs. 6) Use grammar, spelling, and punctuation that conforms to Standard English. 7) Type your paper. Use double spacing, a Times Roman 12 point font and one inch margins all around. With this formatting, you should have about 1,000 total words in your essay.