Date: 23/02/2017
Feedback Given By: User_9588
Feedback Comment: Well done job!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: >> Millions of American's are hungry for a way to drop weight. Today's news: One diet doesn't fit all. >>We wanted to do a long term two year trial to test head to head low carb, low fat and Mediterranean diet. >> All three helped people lose weight. On average 7 pounds on the low fat diet, 10 on a Mediterranean diet rich in fish, vegetables and olive oil and 12 on a mostly meat free version of the low carb diet. >> They experienced the sharpest rapid weight loss because the low carb diet is quite satiating and you just you don't feel like eating a lot. >> Surprisingly, the low carb diet relatively high in fat also had the best effect on cholesterol levels. On the other hand, the Mediterranean diet was best at lowering blood sugar in diabetics and low fat may not be first choice anymore. >> They don't taste as good and they're actually not as healthy as the moderate fat, Mediterranean style diet. This the transcript of the video. Explain why the low fat diets that have been recommended for the past 30 years have not worked. Discuss in detail two functions of lipids that would make you want to eat lipids and what kinds would you choose.