Date: 17/02/2017
Feedback Given By: User_9588
Feedback Comment: job well done!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $10.00
Project Summary: At the University of California San Francisco, Doctor Cynthia Kenyan [phonetic] has found a way to extend life. By manipulating genes she's been able to make worms live six times longer than normal. >> Dr. Cynthia: If you look at this individual tissues in the worms they look young. So it's like a miracle, except it's not a miracle it's science. We change one gene and a worm that would have been dead is still young. >> Dr. David: So if you look at a medical dictionary, aging is a set of diseases that most people get as they get older. And the reason we call it aging is because most of us get these diseases. >> Doctor David Sinclair [phonetic] runs a research company in Massachusetts that's testing a substance he hopes will prevent age related diseases. It's called Resveratrol, and trace amounts are found in red wine. >> Dr. David: The grape skin actually makes a lot of the Resveratrol, and that protects the plant against invading diseases. And by ingesting this molecule in large amounts we activate the same defense program. >> But many people aren't willing to wait for researchers to find answers. Instead, they turn to a growing number of anti-aging supplements. Some even inject themselves with steroids and human growth hormones in an effort to stay young. But experts say lifestyle choices; such as a healthy diet and exercise are the safest most effective way to add years. >> Dr. Roizen: Right now everyone listening to this, you too, can change your rate of aging dramatically and improve your quality of life as you get older. >> Doctor Michael Roizen is the co-author of, You Staying Young. He says how we live dramatically affects how long we live. >> Dr. Roizen: About 70% of how long and well we live are our choices, and 30% are our genes. So you can do a whole bunch of things now. The most important factor is your management of stress. That is stress is the greatest ager, it affects every one of our aging areas, and you get to control it by your response. The second greatest thing in aging is blood pressure. So know your blood pressure number; 115 over 75 is where your arteries age the least. >> Doctor Roizen says something as simple as walking 30 minutes a day can add years. >> Dr. Roizen: So it decreases heart disease. It decreases memory loss. It decreases almost all the cancers and recurrence rates of cancers. So it is magical. That's the transcript of the video. Research two articles about nutrition and genetics. Write at least a 1 page report about what you learned. Don't forget to provide your reference/link in your report. Possible search phrases: epigenetics nutrigenomics nutrition and gene expression fetal gene expression and nutrition diet's influence and gene espression