Date: 16/02/2017
Feedback Given By: User_9714
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Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Javawriter
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: prewriting and argumentative essay, the essay must incorporate, the from this website http://www1.udel.edu/educ/whitson/897s05/files/hiddencurriculum.htm the topic: In your opinion, does the hidden curriculum that Jane Anyon discusses in her essay still exist in todays schools? the essay should be 3-4 typed pages and reflect the following format: An introductory paragraph. Begin your essay in a way that will engage your reader. You might want to begin with a question, an anecdote, or a quote. Continue with some background information about your subject. Be concise, but give your reader an understanding of the issue that you will discuss in the body of your paper. Build to your thesis. Your thesis for this essay should be the last sentence of your introductory paragraph. Craft your thesis carefully, rewriting as necessary. Remember not all of the questions ask you to argue in favor of or against a particular stand. Instead, you need to develop a thesis that expresses your specific response to the issue and that you can support in the body of your essay. Be sure that your thesis is narrow enough to be addressed in the body of a short essay and that your thesis is broad enough to work for the entire essay. As you develop your essay, you may need to rewrite your thesis, add, or cut from the body of the paper so that you are writing a unified, coherent essay. You will choose where and how you introduce the source(s). If relevant to your argument, you might want to summarize the article briefly in the introduction, or you could explain the relevance of the article the first time you mention it in the essay. Focus on how the authors point(s) support, contradict, or relate to your argument. Include the author and title the first time you refer to an article. After that, the authors last name will suffice. You do not need a works cited page for this assignment. Three or four body paragraphs. The body paragraphs of your essay should develop your thesis. Each body paragraph needs a topic sentence that links to the thesis and specific examples or reasons that support the topic sentence. Incorporate paraphrases and quotations from the article(s) to support and explain your points. Be sure that you introduce each quote appropriately and that you quote accurately. Be sure that you analyze your examples and your quote choices for a full, clear argument/discussion. A concluding paragraph. The conclusion should emphasize your main ideas and leave the reader thinking about the issues relevance. Be sure to reread your essay and to proofread and edit what you have written. Bring two typed, double-spaced copies of the essay for writing workshop and upload your draft in Assignments.